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Why choose to educate your child this way?

Let's start combating school readiness and ensure children are independently, physically, emotionally, and confidently equipped for school. This can only be achieved if a child is happy and thriving in a kind and nurturing environment. The national figures show a significant shortfall in school readiness levels, which is why Little Classroom wants to provide your child with the fundamental skills they need.

What do we mean by
school readiness? 

Across four years of school readiness research, teachers have been clear and consistent in what they think being developmentally ready for Reception means.

Independence: dressing, eating and toileting 
Schools expect children to be sufficiently independent, able to use the toilet, dress and feed themselves, and able to cope with being away from their parents.

Playing, sharing and turn-taking
Children are expected to have social skills, such as playing, taking turns and sharing, which are important for developing friendships and engaging in learning activities.

Basic written and verbal skills
Communicating in short, full, and clear sentences and verbalising needs are identified as important developmental milestones, along with the ability to hold a pen, recognise letters and numbers, and be somewhat familiar with nursery rhymes.

Following simple instructions
Children are able to sit down and listen and follow and act on simple instructions.

Ability to concentrate
Children are expected to be able to sit down, focus and concentrate for short periods of time. Across four years of school readiness research, teachers have been clear and consistent in what they think being developmentally ready for Reception means.

End of Reception expectations

In 190 days (39 weeks), children in Reception are expected to achieve the Early Years Goals.
This includes reading and writing sentences, having good oral and comprehension skills and a deep understanding of mathematics, including subitise (recognise quantities without counting), automatically recalling number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10 (including double facts).

Link to the Statutory Guidance’s – Early Years Foundations Stage

Research & Survey Findings 

In February 2023, Kindred2, a charitable foundation, commissioned Savanta to conduct a survey on "school readiness" for children who started Reception in the previous autumn. The survey included over 1,000 teachers and 1,000 parents of Reception children.

Click the below to access the full survey

Infographic Poster
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