Frequently Asked Questions
Let's Teach Pre-School - 120 minutes - £35
Let's Play and Learn Nursery - 120 minutes - £35
Let's Teach After School (Reception and KS1) - 90 minutes - £35
Let's Teach After School (KS2) - 60 minutes - £30 (Max 4)
Let's Learn Home Education (Reception, KS1, KS2) - 120 minutes - £35
Let's Teach 1to 1 - £50
Parent Workshop - £20
Food and Drink
We provide our little learners with a light snack and drink during our sessions. Examples of snacks and drinks include water or juice and a healthy snack such as fruit, crackers, or biscuits. It is important to note that we operate a nut-free policy. Therefore, no food or drink from home can be brought into our Classroom to ensure the safety of all our children. Staff have completed a food hygiene course.
Upon admission, all allergies and dietary requirements will be carefully noted and discussed to ensure the safety and well-being of your child. A comprehensive procedure will be established and strictly followed to accommodate any specific needs. We must be informed of any allergies or dietary changes that may arise for your child during their time at the setting. Staff have completed an allergy course.
The safety of your child is paramount to us. We are members of The Tutor Association and adhere to their code of practice, Safeguarding Policy, Child Protection Guidelines, and GDPR Policy. Our classroom, kitchen, toilet, and outdoor garden have been designed with specific safety measures in mind. Our teachers have undergone enhanced DBS checks and hold up-to-date PFA certifications. Public liability insurance and a professional indemnity policy are in place.
Intimate Care
Learning to use the toilet and personal hygiene is essential to early years education. Our classroom toilet is within the classroom and has a half door for visibility. We provide safety steps and seats to support your child using the toilet. We have a potty if this is your child’s preferred method. We have changing facilities for children still in nappies for medical needs. Accidents happen, so please provide spare clothes if necessary. With small class sizes, children are regularly reminded and supported with toilet use throughout their session. Please see the intimate care policy for more information.
Settling In
Transitioning from caregivers can be challenging for some children due to their age. We strive to make this process as smooth as possible by implementing individual transition plans if necessary.
You can only book our term time classes as a half-term block, allowing children to familiarise themselves with the format, staff and peers over time. Limited spaces are available due to our services' unique, individualised nature. As a sole trader, I can only offer this service to a very small number of children per session (max of 6), so booking in advance is advised. Existing customers will be given priority booking. Some classes will run during the holidays. These will be bookable as a single class. Children are only allowed to attend one class for two hours a day. If the class you want your child to attend becomes full, please get in touch, and we will add you to a waiting list.
We love capturing moments of learning and play. Parents have the right to consent to or withdraw from photos being used within the classroom or on social media. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to speak with us.​
Unfortunately, we do not accept 30 or 15 hours of funding or Childcare vouchers. We advise parents to utilise their allocated funded hours with schools, private nurseries, or childminders and supplement them with our classes, giving your child a firm foundation and the best possible start to education.​
If your child falls ill or has an accident, we will inform you immediately. You must provide us with two emergency contact details and give permission to administer first aid or medication during emergencies. We will call emergency services if an emergency arises that we need assistance with.
Our infection control measures follow the guidelines set by Public Health England, so please keep your child away for the recommended time. For more details, please refer to our Medical policy.
Toys and Resources
All our toys and resources are carefully selected with educational purposes in mind. We have a Little Classroom risk assessment for indoor and outdoor provision play and activities. Toys and resources are regularly checked and cleaned for safety.
We advise children to wear tracksuit bottoms, leggings, shorts, a T-shirt or jumper and suitable footwear. Please note outdoor activities can get messy. In colder months, ensure they wear wellies, coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, and in summer, sun hats and sunscreen.
When you sign up for one of our half-term blocks of classes, you will receive the half-term newsletters. This is a great way to learn about the half-term topic, along with the theme, story, and learning opportunities we have planned for your little one. The newsletter also includes a home focus with ideas for activities you can do to support your children at home.

We hope these FAQs have addressed any questions you may have. If you require further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.